Great marketing agencies do one thing better than anyone…they learn

One of the biggest hesitations business owners have when hiring marketing agencies is, "Can I trust them with my brand and business"?

In order to earn a client’s trust, the first thing a marketing agency should do is set up systems for learning the unique details that make their client special.

Here are my top 5 favorite ways to learn about your clients - new and existing:

1. Sales meetings should be about listening

It’s easy to want to jump into a sales meeting with a potential client and start listing off all the amazing services you have. It becomes even easier when the potential client comes to a call just wanting to see numbers. As a great marketing agency - consider your sales meeting as an opportunity to ask relevant questions, and gather information about their business, target audience, goals, challenges, and expectations. That will position you to give service recommendations that hit the spot.

2. Read the newsletters and articles that your client reads

If you tend to work with niche-market clients, the best way to learn about them is to read what they read, absorb what they absorb, and learn what they learn. Ask them what their favorite articles/newsletters/resources are and then use them.

3. Client Success Check-Ins

Even with long-standing clients, a good old-fashioned get-together is the best way to keep in touch with your client’s business and life. They are busy business owners who may not always remember to keep you in the loop of important information or shifts. When you have a system in place for routine check-ins, you are always in the position to learn about how they are right now.

4. Customer Interviews

Request permission from your clients to speak with their existing customers and target audience. These interviews can uncover valuable insights into client needs, pain points, motivations, and preferences. Plus, you can add even more value to your relationship by telling your client something about their customers they never thought to ask.

5. Stop by to say “hello”

If you are local, stop by your client’s business and say “hello!”. Buy their coffee, eat their appetizer, wear their apparel. If you aren’t local, try to get there for an in-person check-in at least once per quarter. It’s true what they say: out of sight, out of mind.


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