Live From The Living Room: 3 Tips Every PR Pro Should Know When Working From Home

Shifting from an in-office workspace to a WFH routine has really shaken things up a bit, but I have learned a few things and am here to share them! Coming to you, live, in my comfy socks, coffee in hand and from the couch, here are 3 tips that I want to share with PR professionals!

  1. Introducing new words and phrases.

2020 has introduced new words and phrases into our daily conversations like: “coronavirus,” “COVID-19,” “social distancing,” and “unprecedented times.” Working at an agency with a variety of clients, marketing messages have to shift quickly during an unprecedented time; and that means including these words and phrases across all client communications. Whether it be in branding, social media or PR, for the past 4 months, the new-normal greeting in emails have started out with these kindhearted and sympathetic words. When sending a pitch to the media or a message to a client, be sure to use these words. Don’t overuse them, but let people know you’re being mindful of what is happening in the world.

  1. Consistency is key.

Media is so inundated with breaking news around the pandemic that if your emails are being overlooked, it’s important to stay consistent with your follow up to let journalists know that not only you, but your angles are a resource. For example, the more you come into contact with an idea, the more credible that idea becomes. Especially during difficult times, never expect a response or a media hit right away when pitching. As long as they media knows you are staying consistent with your reach out, they will come to you as a credible resource.

  1. Persistence is power.

Even though events and parties may have been cancelled this year, conversations were not cancelled. Community is not cancelled. It certainly hasn’t stopped us from communicating with the media and pitching out stories that can make a positive impact on the community. At times, it seems as if I’m bugging the media because so many pitches are being sent out, but the truth is… journalists appreciate the persistence and constant reminders that you have resources for positive stories. Their job is now centered around COVID-19, so keep pushing your stories, and it’s okay to be resilient. That mentality will get your stories picked up!


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