The Path to Muse Group
The Path To Muse Group
Tips for a new business owner, from our owner
One day I woke up and realized I was tired of working for other people. Weird, right? I decided I was going to quit a good paying 8-5, Advertising & Public Relations agency with benefits and move to South Lake Tahoe to be a server at a breakfast place. Life was easy going. But I found myself missing PR, so I started freelancing on the side and quickly realized, hey, I could make a business out of this. I started to go out and pitch myself and potential clients would say: "Great! We're excited for the PR, can you also do my business cards and website?" Obviously not. The design and coding realm was not in my wheelhouse. I put my thinking cap on and found a designer and coder, and boom, an agency was built over some beers! With Muse Group going on three years of being in existence in February (yay!) I have learned one or two things along the way.
So, here we go:
- Focus. Focus.
Many entrepreneurs feel the need to jump at every "opportunity" they come across. Opportunities are often wolves in sheep's clothing (my dad told me that). Do one thing perfectly, not ten things poorly.
2. Make sure you love what you do.
Don't start a business simply because it seems sexy, or you think you’re going to make a lot of money. Do what you love. It's not only important to create a profitable business, it's also important that you're happy managing and growing it day in and day out. If your heart isn't in it, you won’t be successful.
3. Stay healthy.
I'm not your mom, but nevertheless, I promise that you will be much more productive when you take better care of yourself. Entrepreneurship is a lifestyle, not an 8-to-5 profession. Working to the point of exhaustion will burn you out and make you less productive (trust me I know from experience). Don't make excuses. Eat right, meditate, exercise and find time for yourself.
4. Learn from your mistakes.
No business book or business plan can predict the future or fully prepare you to become a successful entrepreneur (man I wish it did). There is no such thing as the perfect plan. There is no perfect road or one less traveled. The most important thing you can do is learn from your mistakes--and never make the same mistake twice.
5. Don't B.S.
Don't talk the talk unless you can walk the walk. Under promise, over deliver, not the other way around.